What's, your, story

Why Stories?

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Welcome to Stories With Andy!

Stories are the fundamental elements that make life exciting, inspiring, and enriching. It would be impossible for Humankind to deny their love for stories; we are surrounded by it, both inside out and upside down. Our historical and religious texts are packed with stories of great twists and engaging plots. Even the various patterns in the universe around us, hint that even its CREATOR loves stories. But, it is the art of storytelling that creates a connection between all of us. Jimmy Neil Smith, the Director of the International Storytelling Center couldn’t have said it better “We are all storytellers. We all live in a network of stories. There isn’t a stronger connection between people than storytelling.”

Such connections can pass through several generations, carrying with it the power to make one eternal. Great storytellers like Homer, Aristotle, Leo Tolstoy, Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, etc. continue to live eternally even to this day, through their stories and poetries. The words of Daniel Wallace in the Big Fish reaffirms this, “When a man’s stories are remembered, then he is immortal.” It is beyond doubt that stories are critical in making our lives worth living.

Beginning with our childhood bedtime stories, to the romantic stories of our youth; to the complex stories of our middle-aged years, and finally, our old age, which turns us into storytellers ourselves. Joan Didion perfectly captures the very essence of the need for stories when she said, “We tell ourselves stories in order to live.”   

Stories don’t just become stories until we have encountered or lived through the experiences of life. This site is dedicated to sharing such inspiring stories, born out of the various experiences in life; especially with travel, food, and movies. The stories shared here, are original and are filled with adventures, fun, facts, and elements of surprise. Amidst the various categories, there is a story hidden here for everyone that will excite, enrich, and inspire you. And don’t forget to hang on tight, for you might just get transported to a whole new world. 

So, Welcome to Stories with Andy … Snuggle Up, Get Cozy, It’s Time To Get Lost In A World Of Stories !!!

Get Lost In The World Of Stories

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7 thoughts on “Why Stories?”

  1. Anne Issac Karkera

    I know this story teller… I am eagerly waiting to hear from my favourite story teller… I am sure goona get lost and be somewhere in the story literally… Just waiting…

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